Essi Ojanperä


Essi Ojanperä


Speech Karaoke

In Speech Karaoke – as the name suggests – you choose a speech instead of a song! Our speech list contains over 200 speeches in 10 different languages, mostly English and Finnish. Speech Karaoke events are held mostly  in bars in a fun, relaxed atmosphere where people can participate in delivering or listening the interesting and thought-provoking speeches!

We have all kinds of speeches:  political manifests, big films speeches, thought and commentary of the worlds events, historical and personal revelations.  During the breaks our own DJ  entertains the quests and the events are hosted by a professional karaoke host.

Speech Karaoke is a constantly expanding multicultural project by The Speech Karaoke Action Group (SKAG), a Finnish-German artist group. Speech Karaoke Action Group: Frank Brümmel, Krister Gråhn, Tellervo Kalleinen, Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, Tuomas Aleksander Laitinen, Carl Sebastian Lindberg, Essi Ojanperä, Pilvari Pirtola, Johanna Raekallio, Satu Rautiainen, Pasi Rauhala, Jyrki Riekki, Hanna Saarikoski ja Julius Valve.

Speech Karaoke is supported by Kone Foundation.